We’ve all seen the lists of celebrities who adopted stage names before becoming famous . . . but Buzzfeed has a rundown of famous people who have just made SLIGHT TWEAKS to their names.… MORE

We’ve all seen the lists of celebrities who adopted stage names before becoming famous . . . but Buzzfeed has a rundown of famous people who have just made SLIGHT TWEAKS to their names.… MORE
“Time” magazine put together a list of the 100 NEXT big influencers . . .… MORE
Colorado Springs is growing – now more than ever! Here’s some of the reasons our city is growing so fast:… MORE
Budweiser’s Super Bowl commercials have ALWAYS attracted attention, whether you like them or not.… MORE
Is there a movie that ALWAYS makes you cry . . . no matter how many times you’ve seen it? Someone posed that question on Twitter this weekend, and it went viral. … MORE
What’s the craziest place you’ve had sex?How does it stack up to the crazy places these celebrities have gone at it . . .?… MORE
It used to only be celebrities who gave their kids ridiculous names . . . but the trend seems to have trickled down to the masses. … MORE
BETTY WHITE will turned 99 Sunday, and heres how she planned her big day:… MORE
We always talk about getting enough sleep. But a new article on Ted.com says there are actually SEVEN… MORE
And now, here are 20 songs that topped the charts 20 years ago:… MORE