Last weekend, I made the trip up to Denver to check out Meow Wolf | Convergence Station.
Meow Wolf is described as “an arts and entertainment company based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We create immersive and interactive experiences that transport audiences of all ages into fantastic realms of story and exploration.”

Here’s was my first look into one of the worlds, C Street.
Their mission is to inspire creativity through art, exploration, and play so that imagination will transform the world. They certainly lived up to their mission!!!
Meow Wolf currently has 3 different locations: Santa Fe, New Mexico (the original), Las Vegas, Nevada, and Denver, Colorado. This blog will feature photos from my trip to the Denver location.

I wanted to take a picture of this because as I understood it, this bus symbolized the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) movement that was started in Denver.

I geek out over anything that has to do with radio. So when I saw an artist incorporate an entire wall of vintage radios, I about lost my ish!!

…but it wasn’t until I got a closer look, that really blew my mind! Check out what this artist did with some of the vintage radios.

Over 110 artist contributed to making Meow Wolf Denver, some of which are from right here in Colorado Springs. Inside of one of the “Worlds” there’s an art gallery where you can purchase pieces of art, like these ones, from local artists. I didn’t bother checking the price tag on these bad boys, but I can only imagine!

I’m REALLY kicking myself right now, because I wish I could remember the name of this. Basically it’s all irrelevant technology. You can see cassette tapes, Zack Morris-esque phones, old school radios, and VHS tapes. All looking like they were found during the stone age.

There are 4 different “worlds” that make up Meow Wolf in Denver, this one is Ice World. It stands around 3 stories tall, and if you spin the table in the center of it…you can make the top spin!

In the world of C Street, you’ll find movie theatres, laundry mats, and corner stores like this one. It kinda reminds me of a bodega, if you’ve ever been to NYC.
I’m going to be honest with you, I’m not an art or museum guy. But Meow Wolf didn’t feel like either. We often say things like concerts or a sporting event feels like an escape from reality but I truly felt that at MW. I remember going into the bathroom, which was normal looking, and it kind of threw me off because I’d just spend the past two hours looking at the stuff above. Some people try to come to solve the mystery. Others, like me, just came to appreciate the art. I 100% recommend making a day out of it and checking it out!
If you want to learn more about Meow Wolf Denver or purchase tickets, just click here. You can also watch this video!
A BIG THANK YOU to Erin Barnes who played tour to my visit and of course Meow Wolf for having me.